NFT creates the uniqueness and value of digital asset
NFTarts look just like regular digital arts, mostly digital images and some digital videos.
Why are these highly publicized NFT arts so expensive and deemed collectable?
This is a common question among NFT new comers. Digital arts, given its digital format, can be easily and identically replicated. This attribute helps with distribution and popularity of the art. Unfortunately, it destroys the uniqueness and collectable value of digital arts at the same time. Therefore, digital artists have struggled to monetize their digital artworks, even in the digital society.
However, there’s hope with NFT. Once an NFT (Non-fungible token) is associated with a piece of digital art, it lends its uniqueness to the art can prove the authenticity and ownership of this digital art through NFT’s own unique identifier metadata. With authenticity and ownership guaranteed, buyers can be confident that they are buying the REAL thing, not some easily duplicated counterfeit copies, thus are more willing to buy and pay a higher price. Finally, artists’ creativity and hard work can be rewarded financially.
The popularity of NFT arts have expanded from the traditional domain, painting and music, into gaming space.
Skins, costumes, and in-game item are now endowed with NFT attributes and values. With games so prevalent in our society, we should expect NFT arts becoming more popular in the future.