優必達協助Square Enix發布漫威大作《星際特攻隊雲端版》10月26日正式登陸任天堂Switch™
全球雲遊戲領導者-日商優必達株式會社(以下簡稱「優必達」)協助Square Enix 發布漫威英雄IP為背景的《星際特攻隊雲端版》在Nintendo Switch™上線,美國、歐洲及亞洲的玩家們將有機會於10月26日體驗。
跨越下載空間、時間挑戰 即刻上手
想要帶領星爵與其他星際特攻隊的角色們一起探索遊戲世界嗎?由優必達提供技術,玩家們只要從Nintendo eShop中下載小容量的啟動程序在Nintendo Switch™裝置中便能開始體驗遊戲,不必花時間等待好幾十GB的程式下載。雲遊戲最大的特點是,玩家仍可以體驗和其他裝置平台相同的遊戲情境與玩法,但有更多時間、裝置空間的餘裕可以享受遊戲。
優必達CEO郭榮昌表示,「我們很榮幸能夠協助Square Enix釋出漫威的「星際特攻隊雲端版」,經典人物角色搭配精彩絕倫的畫面及故事線絕對值得玩家期待。優必達承諾在遊戲上線時也會盡全力提供最好的雲端遊戲體驗給所有Nintendo Switch™的玩家」。
*Nintendo Switch 為 Nintendo註冊商標
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Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media. For more information visit https://www.marvel.com
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About Eidos-Montréal
Established in 2007, Eidos-Montréal™ is a premiere developer of interactive entertainment based on new intellectual properties and beloved franchises including the acclaimed Tomb Raider® and Deus Ex® series. Renowned as master storytellers, the studio builds immersive worlds and adventures that create lasting memories for players across the globe. Eidos-Montréal crafts its multiple interactive projects with close-knit teams in a hybrid work environment, keeping their focus on creativity and technological innovation.
Eidos-Montréal and its network of studios, Eidos-Sherbrooke™ and Eidos-Shanghai™, are part of the Square Enix® group of companies. More information on Eidos-Montréal can be found at https://eidosmontreal.com.
About Square Enix, Inc.
Square Enix, Inc. develops, publishes, distributes and licenses SQUARE ENIX®, EIDOS® and TAITO® branded entertainment content throughout the Americas as part of the Square Enix group of companies. Square Enix, Inc. is affiliated with a global network of leading development studios such as Crystal Dynamics® and Eidos Montréal™. The Square Enix group of companies boasts a valuable portfolio of intellectual property including: FINAL FANTASY®, which has sold over 164 million units worldwide; DRAGON QUEST®, which has sold over 83 million units worldwide; TOMB RAIDER®, which has sold over 85 million units worldwide; and the legendary SPACE INVADERS®. Square Enix, Inc. is a U.S.-based, wholly owned subsidiary of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. More information on Square Enix, Inc. can be found at https://www.square-enix-games.com
About Ubitus
Ubitus operates the world’s best GPU virtualization technology and cloud streaming platform, and is dedicated to providing a superior user experience via its advanced technology. As long as users are connected to a broadband network, they can enjoy AAA gaming experience across various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, game consoles, smart TVs, and personal computers.
With its comprehensive GDK (game development kit), Ubitus provides a fast-to-market onboarding solution to support game companies in Japan and overseas, who are interested in cloud gaming. Ubitus partners with telecom carriers, online service providers and game publishers around the world.
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